الاثنين، 30 مارس 2015

How can we protect our children from internet culture?

Nowadays, the social media and technology are spread, for example Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and others in the most aspect of life, so how parents can protect their children from the impact of internet culture because this culture influenced on their thinking and their political tendencies.

The communication revolution which result on the young people thinking is a clear indication that the parents cannot control their children's by traditional mentality in education, therefore they should have modern farming strategy which deal with their ambition and future .We have to educate our children on the self-confident and a clear plan to determine their future and their goals in the life, also help them to discover themselves and encourage them to do positive jobs.

Sitting for hours in front of TV or Internet, suggesting that your children have a lot of free time and they do not know what to do in this time, therefore it must from within your goals as parents to reduce sit your children in front of the internet, by encourage them to exercise their activities and hobbies and to develop their talents and investment such as, drawing, photography and industrial activities. Moreover, tell them about the dangers of the internet.

On the other hand, the parents should increase their culture about the internet as much easier for them to communicate with their children and understand them because today the illiterate is not who do not know how to write or read, but those who do not know the technology and internet language.  

الخميس، 26 مارس 2015

أوباما ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

باتت وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي كفيسبوك و تويتر و يوتيوب و غيرها جزءا مهما من عملية التواصل في الولايات المتحدة حيث أن تسعة و ثلاثين في المئة من الاميركيين البالغين  يستخدمون وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لغايات سياسية، مثلا للاطلاع على اراء و مواقف المرشحين للرئاسة والتفاعل فيما بينهم حول قضايا سياسية و انتخابية. يعتبر أوباما أحد الشخصيات المهمة التي اعتمدت على مواقع  التواصل الاجتماعي في عملية الانتخابات.

بدأت حملة أوباما الانتخابية باستخدام وسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية الأقل شهرة، فنشرت بعض الأغاني المفضلة لأوباما على موقع سبوتيفاي، ونشرت صوراً فوتوغرافية على موقع إنستاغرام، وأخرى على موقع بنترست، واستخدمت موقعي تمبلر وغوغل بلس وبعد ذلك اعتمد أوباما على البرامج الأكثر شهرة كالفيس بوك وتويتر  اعتمد أوباما على حيلة "التشبيك الاجتماعي" ليفوز من خلالها بالانتخابات الرئاسية لدورتين متتاليتين، حيث يخبر كل عضو في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي أصدقاءه ويناقشهم في البرنامج الانتخابي . كان النجاح على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مؤشرا للنجاح في الانتخابات الرئاسية. ف بمجرد البدء في حملة أوباما الانتخابية زاد معدل الإعجاب بصفحته على فيس بوك من 30 ألف إعجاب إلى مليون إعجاب يومياً، وهو ما تكرر مع صفحته على تويتر. وكل هذا يفسر سبب فوزه بالانتخابات ف أربع سنوات أخرى.

أوباما بعد الانتخابات

"لقد حدث هذا بكم، شكراً لكم". كانت هذه هي التغريدة التي كتبها الرئيس الأمريكي باراك أوباما على حسابه بموقع تويتر، فور إعلان فوزه في الانتخابات الأمريكية كان أوباما يدرك أنه لولا شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي، لما فاز بـ "أربع سنوات أخرى"
وكذلك لم  تنقطع علاقة أوباما بشبكات التواصل الاجتماعي بعد فوزه، فهي تبدو جزءاً من تكوينه الثقافي. فقد كان معروفاً عنه أثناء عضويته لمجلس الشيوخ، أنه كان يستخدم المدونات، ويرد على مقترحات المدونين ويناقش أفكارهم. بل إنه في العام 2005، كتب بنفسه في إحدى أشهر المدونات السياسية الأمريكية Daily Kos تفاعلاً مع جمهورها وصاحبها.

الثلاثاء، 17 مارس 2015


((Cyberterrorism , new monster difficult to catch it))

Cyberterrorism is a phenomenon becoming more common at the present time and become smart devices used in this phenomenon and is easy to incitement to Cyberterrorism through modern technologies at the present time. Cyberterrorism is the use of digital to intimidate and subdue the other techniques. Or is doing to attack information systems against the backdrop of political racial or religious motives .

As we know each phenomenon has effects and causes ,therefore there are many causes of Cyberterrorism such as personal motives , love fame , occupation , not belonging to the homeland , intolerance , and feelings of inferiority .Moreover, Cyberterrorism has different forms which  comes in several parts, including: spyware-mail, mail bombing .

We should know that the activety of  cyberterrorism  on the World Wide Web diverse and spread easily , and it’s difficult to catch it because they can quickly change the style-mail, then disappears to reappear in a new e-mail address after a short period of time , so its important to protect ourselves from this ugly phenomenon and this is some benefit way: work to educate people, put strict sanctions from the government the direction of the terrorists, to work on the protection of the state sites from terrorists.

الأحد، 8 مارس 2015

(( your voice is the secretariat ))

Electoral experience of the membership of the Ashura council has some negative for example , tribalism and financial influence . There are some candidates who use political money in election to gain access to the Ashura council seat . On the other said there are who exploit the poor people and they pay for them in the return to give their voice in election fund . Therefore , the citizen should be aware that the suitable candidate who has a great specification which includes good scientific and practical experiences . In addition , awareness campaigns advises people to choose a good candidate without tribalism.

Here is the point , Is it important to have a secretariat to vote ?
We can reduce the disadvantages if there is  awareness with voters that their voices are secretariat . The voter must be a positive and honest to choose the best candidate , also he must know that he is responsible for his voice and what he do is for his country and society away from the interests and hypocrisy .
At the end , I want to say that your voice is secretariat and you should give it for the best one because by your voice you participate in decision-making and your participation in making decision is an evidence that you aware about the election.

Your voice is secretariat and your participation in the election is responsibility so try to save the first one and do the second one.