الاثنين، 4 مايو 2015

the power of the social media in term of politics

The power of the social media in term of politics

In recent years , it obvious that social media such as ,Twitter , Facebook , YouTube and blogger  had a huge impact on the election . In 2008, there were about 1.5 million election-related tweets. In 2012, there were 31 million. Social media is not a change in technology, it is a change in how people communicate and the way of using it . This change has to be reflected in how candidates use it.  Candidates are using social media tools to achieve their aims.  They use this applications because it allow them to speak directly to voters without wasting   time and money  . Moreover, social media tools helped  political campaigns to produce advertisements and publish them for free, using YouTube instead of spending money on T.V commercials. Facebook and Twitter contribute to organize election campaigns so the candidates  can share news and information such as campaign events with each other by "Share" in Facebook and "tweet" in Twitter.
 Running a political campaign is one of the most problems and exhausting activities possible because in election either you win or you and your campaign team fail. Therefore, candidates are using social media in their election campaigns. During election campaigns, social media is the best place where you can find a lot of people who are interested in political life. Social media such as Twitter and Facebook contribute to raising the vote rate so it is valuable part to success the election campaigns.

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